iPhone Climbing Videography – Test 1 at Grandmother Boulders

Posted by on Aug 29, 2012 in Climbing Photolog | No Comments

A Quick iPhone Climbing Videography test with the iPhone 4s

iPhone climbing videography, is it a jokes? It is a phone after all. 8 megapixels, one lens, somewhat turribul audio quality, and fragile as a porcelain gobstopper. Well, maybe the iPhone 4s is a little more durable than porcelain in your mouth, but with craggy rocks all around and the sleekly obnoxious smooth exterior of the phone, its a dangerous thing to be taking out to the rocks. But try I must, FOR SCIENCE!

One thing I noticed right away is the frame. Despite what I might have expected to get in view, shooting at 1280×720 takes a bite out of the scene. With iPhone climbing videography you really need to know the climb as generally well as the climber, you need to know where they’re going and when they’ll be out of frame. Now, clearly you need to know this for any climbing videography, but you’ve got a lot more to work with if you’re using a DSLR.

This is only a first test, soon I hope to be experimenting more with this magic of technology, the iPhone 4s and testing its skills so I can further report on the plausibility and novelty of iPhone climbing videography. Move over Hollywood, Cliffhanger 3 is just around the corner.

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